I have invested a lot in my Logos Bible Software library over the past few years to the point where I almost never use actual books anymore (for sermon prep). I still own and buy physical books but I am beginning to wonder if the time has come to make the switch to mainly buy e-books. Part of my thinking has to do with space. I once had a study. Then I shared a room with my wife’s sewing and musical interests. Now I have a desk in the corner of a room that is used for storage. How can 2 Hobbit sized creatures take up so much space? This is quite pragmatic I know but it is a reality. Secondly, the cost. E-books are much cheaper for us Aussies to buy because there are no shipping charges and hey, I am a man on a budget! I still like reading ministry related books in paperback but commentaries and academic works are much better suited to e-books. Especially Logos. I also like reading a leather bound Bible over an iPad app any day! Call me old fashioned!
The other reason is less pragmatic. I am wondering why I keep books in my library that I never use or read and have in Logos (mostly commentaries). I wonder how much vanity is involved in having a “visible” library where people in the church can see them. For sentimental reasons there are some books I own in Logos that I would never get rid of (Barth’s Dogmatics for one). I would keep these and pass them on to my kids should they want them. Some days it seems as if if I am storing up treasure on earth, if you get the drift.
I can see some positives and some negatives to this but I am wondering if anyone out there has completely (or mostly) made the switch to electronic book reading. I have an iPad so I can read books via the Logos and Kindle App. Has anyone made the switch only to regret it and turn back? Has anyone switched and wondered why they didn’t do it sooner?
One of the most convincing things for me is that I love reading more than I love books. I love books but I love reading them more. I’m not interested in having books for the sake of having them. It seems many of us get sentimental about such things when in fact reading is the main thing! Furthermore, if the iPad is the way of the future for classroom is it any different a future for the Pastor’s study?
Just interested in people’s thoughts!